Terms and Conditions
An order of ProfClean cleaning services over the telephone or by email or online booking will be regarded as a contractual will statement from the client, and the acceptance of such order by ProfClean will form a contract to render services under the terms of article 1154º of the Civil Code, which will be ruled by the following terms and conditions, which are therefore freely and clearly accepted by both parties.
The contracted services include cleaning services, cleaning products and the use of machines and equipment, including, whenever ProfClean or the team considers appropriate, disinfectant detergent, multipurpose detergent, polishing cream, shining detergent, quick paint stripper, metallic wax for floor finishing, vacuum cleaners with frontal accessories, floor polishers with discs, bucket trolleys and pressers, automatic cleaning machines, glass cleaners, and ceiling cleaners.
The services will be provided by staff at the service of ProfClean, duly qualified, uniformed and identified, who will render the services individually or within a team according to the type of service contracted, as described in full on the form filled out by the Client.
The Client will provide ProfClean with at least 2 (two) days of prior notice by adequate means, namely email, of the day and hour that the party intends the cleaning services to be provided.
The Client will notify ProfClean by adequate means, namely email, up until the second to last day of each month, of the day and hour that the party intends the cleaning services to be provided in the following month, as well the location or locations at which they will be provided.
The Client will be present or will be represented during the rendering of the services. If the Client cannot be present or is not represented during the rendering of the services, the Client will provide ProfClean staff with access to the location or locations where the services are to be provided; however, ProfClean will not assume any obligation whatsoever to guard or safe-keep the location or be liable for loss or damage incurred during the rendering of the services.
If the Client wishes to grant ProfClean staff direct access to the locations where the services are to be provided, the Client shall proceed with control of the said access as it finds fit. The Client must inform ProfClean staff of any safety rules or duties of care that they must follow while at the premises/property. Except otherwise stated, or unless different instructions are given expressly and in writing, the services to be provided by ProfClean will be those identified on the form filled out by the client.
After each cleaning service is concluded, the Client must immediately verify the condition of the service provided, either approving it, expressing reservations on its provision or making a direct claim to the staff member(s) that provided such service.
In case a reservation is expressed or a claim made by the Client or a representative of the Client, the staff member(s) that provided the service will be available to correct or improve the rendered service during the following 30 minutes according to the Client’s (or representative’s) specific instructions, but always within the limits of the contracted service.
If the reservations or claims are resolved after the 30-minute correction or improvement, the cleaning service will be considered concluded and approved under reservation.
In case of approval under reservation or a claim, the Client will justify in writing, documented with pictures, the reasons for the reservations or claim so that ProfClean can proceed with its analysis.
The liability of ProfClean for any loss or damage to the Client’s goods is limited to an amount of €1,000.00 (one thousand euros). If the Client intends to protect goods with a higher value from loss or damage, such goods must be kept by the Client at a different location during the rendering of the services. In case of a claim of loss or damage, ProfClean must be notified through email, with a description of what occurred, pictures of the lost or damaged goods before and after, and an evaluation by an entity competent to evaluate the goods/damage, along with the contact details of that entity. Only claims drawn as established by this clause will be validated and considered, and any other claims will be dismissed as a liability of ProfClean.
The prices of the services rendered will be stated on the form filled out by the Client and can be unilaterally changed by ProfClean with 14 days’ notice.
The price shall be paid immediately after the conclusion of each cleaning service, even if there were reservations raised on the service or a claim by the Client.
The contract will have an undetermined duration and can be revoked unilaterally by any of the parties without a right to compensation for any of the parties, except about services scheduled for the month of the revocation, in which case the conditions of the contract will remain in force until the conclusion of the last service.
ProfClean is free to unilaterally change the conditions of this contract upon the provision of minimum prior notice of 14 days in relation to the date when the changes shall be in force, and if such changes are not accepted by the Client, the contract will be considered automatically revoked, as established above.
In the course of its activities, ProfClean will perform collection and treatment of the personal data of clients as necessary for contractual relations with them, ensuring that the data is treated according to the privacy protection rules emerging from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and additional applicable national law.
The information provided by the Client is meant exclusively to be used by ProfClean within the relations established in this contract, and ProfClean undertakes to maintain and treat the client’s information with absolute confidentiality, abstaining from any transmission to third parties or use outside of the context of the obligations emerging from this contract, either for its own benefit or that of a third party, independently of its ends, except when the information is requested by a public authority within the law.
ProfClean declares and guarantees that staff and sub-contractors that may have a role within this contract were duly informed of the obligations and agreed to be bound by them.